Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Okay, so why cant I fall asleep? I really wish I knew because then maybe I can fix whatever it is and just sleep already. I have a 10AM class tomorrow morning which means I will have to get up around 9AM and it is already 4:33AM and I seriously am not even tired. I'm watching late night MTV which reminds me of when I couldn't sleep back home because this is what I used to watch. Right now the music video for Lady Gaga's song Papparazzi is on. It's an okay song I guess. I wonder why I can't sleep. Maybe it's stress, although there isn't really anything specific that is stressing me out right now. I mean, college in general is a pretty stressful situation, but its not like I have anything due tomorrow. I have my law class where we do nothing, my politics of identity class where I dont really do anything except take notes and go on FarmVille, and sexuality, where hopefully we are getting our tests back because I think I actually did good on it. Its not that im doing bad in school, It's just that im only doing average and I really wanna do well. Hopefully next semester will be better because I will be more used to college. Who knows though. I ate way too much today. For lunch I had a buffalo wrap, for dinner I had a burger with cheese fries, and then I went to fourth meal and got chicken fingers and ice cream. I really need to start eating healthier food. It's not even that I eat that much, but the stuff that I eat is isgusting. If only I actually liked veggies. Blaaaaah. Waking up tomorrow is going to be awful (if even go to sleep.) I know 10AM isn't really even that early for class, but I just cant seem to et used to waking up early. I really wish I could fall asleep early. No one is even on Facebook right now. Like, I need to learn how to go to bed earlier or something because this whole not sleeping thing is not going to work out well inthe long run. I will just have to take like, night classes next semester because I dont think I can do morning classes. I wish I had some Ambien CR or something that would just put me to sleep. So it is now 4:45AM and I am still not tired. Even if I did fall asleep by 5AM (which is pretty much impossible because it takes me at least 20 minutes to fall asleep) I would still only get 4 and a hald hours of sleep at the most. I sometimes wonder if anybody actually reads this blog. I dont know why they would but I think it would be cool. If you do, let me know=) Why is the music video for "Fergalicious" on right now? Its 2009 if im not mistaken. Oh well. I guess thats whats on when you stay up until 5AM. I think I am running out of things to write. But I'm still not tired so I guess I will find something to talk about. This whole blog thing is actually quite relaxing. I can get my feelings out into the open without people I know reading it, because they would probably just make fun of me. It helps get things off my chest that I dont really wanna talk about to my friends. I think Fergie is white trash. I dont know why, but she just kind of seems dirty or something, like she can never actuallly be clean. Idk, its weird. And gross. Im glad I dont get really bad acne. Not that I hate people who do, but its just really gross and Im glad I dont have to deal with it. Like, that must really suck. But I would rather have acne than be fat. But I guess I can work on the whole fat thing. I just need to bring myself to the gym more. I really want to be skinny by the time spring semester rolls around. Then maybe I can get a boyfried. I have really been wanting one lately. Idk what it is but seeing people together kind of makes me depressed. Well, this was a really long and pointless post, so I suppose I will go now seeing as it is 5 to 5. =)

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