Monday, November 2, 2009


Once again here I am procrastinating on yet another english paper. I am writing about Oprah and I am currently at a loss for words. This weekend was amazing. Probably one of the best weekends of my life. It was Halloween and I went to a party on Friday and then another party on Saturday. The first party was at this kid named Ramons house on 17th and Oxford. I went to a couple parties there before an always had fun. I didn't reallly think about dressing up because it wasn't actually Halloween yet but when we met up with the other people we were going with, they were all in full costume. Needless to say I felt like an asshole. But whatever, after an hour no one knew what anyone was wearing anyway. While we were there, we saw TJ Capobianco which was probably one of the most random fucking things that has ever happened to me. He was wasted, but I was too so everything way fine. We saw him while we were waiting in line for the bathroom and I told him to sing and all of the sudden he sings the loudest note ever in the smallest most echo-y hallway ever. Everyone was pissed but I thought it was hilar. The beer ran out kind of early so we didn't stay ridiculously long, as we usually do. We walked home (making fools of ourselves im sure) and came back to the dorm. Say Yes to the Dress ( one of mine and Katys faorite shows) was on so we watched that while we were drunk then we just fell asleep. We slept in ridiculously late then woke up and were all starving and thirsty so we went to J and H for lunch. When we got there we sat and talked and laughed about the night before (as we usually do.) After that, we came back to the dorm and me and Alissa went to South Street because we needed Halloween costumes. I ended up just wearing a ight blue dress and red shoes that I already had, and I bought some stockings and a basket with a stuffedpuppy in it and went as Dorothy. Katy was an angel and Alissa was a pirate. Pat was at Drexel for the weekend so he came in for Halloween to go to a party, but he didn't dress up. I felt stupid as I was getting ready but once I got out I really didn't care at all. We met up with Ali Zimmerman and Tara McNulty and went to Bobs house (where we had gone a few times before.) We got our cups and went downstairs and the first person I see is Ann Rejrat from Nay Aug. Totally random right? Then, as I was waiting at the Keg, I saw Mike Zangardi and talked to him for a little. Then later I ran into Serena Kearny who I went to elementaray school with and havent seen since about 5th grade. Then I was standing with my friends and I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and saw Billy Schultz so I gave him the biggest hug ever. Then we talked for a minute and he left because he was playing beer pong and it was his turn. Then 2 minutes later I felt another tap on my shoulder and it was Billy again, so we hugged again ( we were both quite drunk at this point). Then we were stil hugging and he looked at Katy and Alissa and was like "I know you guys, but Sarah is my best friend" Then we talked some more and then Empire State of Mind came on so me and all of my friends were freaking out and singing. The rest of the night was ridiculous and I'm going to write more but I have a paper to write and only 10 hours to do it!

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