Monday, October 12, 2009


Okay so basically right now I am sitting in the dark while my rooommate is sleeping, creeping on a kid who I seriously don't even know, and thinking of anything I can do to keep me from writng my english paper that is du in approximately 11 hours and 14 minutes. This seems like a long time to write a paper, however, I really hate writing papers, and I also would like to sleep sometime between now and when I have to hand in my paper. I only have a ten minute conference with my english teacher tomorrow but I know that will be enough time for him to tell me how bad my first papers was and how bad my second paper is going to be. Man, I really hate writing. Although I supposed blogging isn't too bad. But that is probably because no one is making me do it. Actually, it is something I probably shouldn't be doing. In reality, there are so many things that I should be doing right now, yet I'm sitting here, typing away on a blog that probably no one will read and if theydo read it, they will find it at the most mundanely interesting. But probably not. I really wish I didn't procrastinate so much. Like, I had atleast a week to do this paper. Actually, probably more than a week, but I probably was not paying attention when this was announced, seeing as I rarely pay attention in english anyway. I really do like college. Sure the work sucks but they people and parties are cool. I mean, sure I don't really go out as much as I would like to, but I blame that on my roommates for never being motivated to go out. We could go out everynight if we wanted to, but unforrtunately I find myself going out about once every two weeks. I mean, I don't want to be an alcoholic, but drinking is fun. Whatever, maybe I'll do this next time I have something important to do thatI don't want to do. Even though no one will read this.

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